Qantas Short Haul EA voted up

The proposed Qantas Airways Limited Pilots (Short Haul) Enterprise Agreement 2024 (EBA9) has been approved by 59.8% of eligible pilots from a 90% participation rate.

While the AFAP Qantas Pilot Council did not endorse the proposed EA, the QPC representatives  pleased that following the 'no' vote last year there are several key improvements to the document that will benefit Short Haul pilots.


As we advised before the vote, we respect the decision made by SH pilots to vote up the proposed EA. From here Qantas must submit the document for approval by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) within 14 days. The proposed EA will only come into operation 7 days after this approval.


The AFAP as a bargaining representative will be invited to participate in the approval process. As we advised prior to the vote, the AFAP will support the approval of the agreement provided it is in compliance with the Fair Work Act .


Protecting Australia's Pilots