Ms Cherie Love

Cherie has an extensive background in aviation and safety management roles, most recently employed by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), as a Safety Performance Specialist within Safety Risk and Intelligence Branch (SRIB). Her role provides specialist safety management advice and expertise across CASA to enhance safe skies for all within the State Safety Program (SSP) and National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP); assisting Australia to achieve key safety principles, structures and processes underpinning our future of aviation safety systems.

Cherie has worked within the aviation industry across a variety of roles and airlines before commencing at CASA, focusing on implementing risk management strategies to improve overall safety, health, and wellbeing. She has a wealth of experience in implementing, maintaining, and improving fatigue risk management and safety management systems for regional, domestic, and international airline operations in Australia, New Zealand, United States and Asia. While also having experience in human performance and academic research areas relating to sleep, fatigue, and cognitive performance within safety critical operations.

Prior to entering the safety management space Cherie held various aviation roles including operations control, crewing, rostering and resource planning, flight crew training, flight planning, load control, network planning and yield management. Cherie has a unique perspective within aviation, bringing her passion for safety, human performance, mental health, and operational knowledge together to enhance safety systems through stakeholder engagement and organisational interfaces.



Protecting Australia's Pilots