Human Performance (HUPER)

Human Performance (HUPER)


Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) Forum - Tokyo, April 2024

The AFAP had 7 representatives attending the forum this year. The forum was a great event to learn, network and for reps to speak directly with the CASA representative present. Reps found the whole Forum extremely useful to obtain a holistic view of where various organisations are in their development and implementation of FRMS, what challenges people are encountering and what people are trying (successfully or otherwise) to deal with in relation to those challenges.

IFALPA Fatigue Management (FM) Course

The AFAPs Lachlan Gray co-facilitated the IFALPA FM course in Tokyo immediately before the FRMS Forum. Two AFAP reps attended this training, then joined the delegation to the FRMS Forum which immediately followed it.

This FM Course was also delivered in Brisbane on July 29 & 30 in the AFAP offices with the assistance of NZALPA’s facilitator in the course (Mark Glover) as the course requires a minimum of 2 facilitators. Pilot reps attended from a variety of operators and some of the FM Managers from across the industry also participated. The ATSB also sent two Human Factors specialists. This shared training journey aims to bring the various stakeholders closer together with common knowledge and up-skilled practice in fatigue management as a process of hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation. We are disappointed that CASA didn’t send any representatives to this IFALPA course.

We plan to host the IFALPA FM again in mid-2025.

Fatigue reports:

The AFAP S&T team continue to receive fatigue reports from pilots working for operators with an FRMS. The AFAP S&T are analysing fatigue trends, we are encouraged by recent improvements in some operators FRMS's.

Sick leave and Fatigue Data

Crew are encouraged to read this AusALPA position paper to reinforce the need for fatigue reporting to affect any change rather than using sick leave. We have included this to keep it front of mind for crew.

AusALPA Position Paper - Sick Leave and Fatigue Data - Oct 2023

Cabin Air Quality (Aero-toxicity)

Tricresyl-phosphate (TCP) Blood Test for Aircrew

A different cohort of pilots has shown enough interest to initiate the confidential blood study, The GCAQE adapted the information webinar and a survey for pilots to participate. The pathology provider has now confirmed bases and ability to collect, store and forward the samples to Washington.

Professor Furlong is finalising instructions to pilots on exactly when the best time to provide a sample is after a flying duty.

SEPTEMBER - Cabin Air Quality conference London and GCAQE member meetings

The conference will update attendees on new low phosphate oils, the Furlong TCP blood test, the peer reviewed medical protocol, complete cabin air filtration and other advances.

Read about the medical protocol here

Pilots are encouraged to share these links with their medical specialists after a fume event.
AFAP/Resilient Pilot Program

We have a number of organisations approaching the AFAP to discuss integration of AFAP Resilient Pilot as a supplementary service for their pilots. Currently RFDS Central Ops, Fiji Airways and a private aviation university degree in Melbourne.

CASA interest in Resilient Pilot - S&T attended a CASA meet the board function where CASA requested to have a demo of the program. Marcus and Naomi attended CASA offices in Canberra where Pip Spence, Andreas Marcelja, Ann Redmond, Roger Crosthwaite and other CASA officers were present. They were very interested in helping and promoting it and perhaps even developing some solution for their PPL and low time mid-level operator pilots. They want to talk more.

AFAP Resilient Pilot program info available on AFAP website. Click below to review. Or scan the QR code.

AFAP Resilient Pilot program


Protecting Australia's Pilots