Air Pilots Award 2020

The Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision on Monday 3 June 2024 results in the minimum wage rates under the Award increase by 3.75% from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024.

Use the link below to access the updated Award.

Air Pilots Award 2020 [Includes 1 July 2024 Wage and Allowance Increases]

Allowances calculated from the Standard Rate in the Award will also increase by 3.75% while other allowances are subject to separate indexation:

  • Loss of Licence Allowance 20.3 (c) increased to $2,753 p.a.
  • Meal related allowances in accordance with 20.3(a)(v) & B.4.4/B.4.5 increased for breakfast ($34.19), lunch ($38.31) and dinner ($65.85). The incidentals allowance remains at $27.97.
  • Members can review a complete list of allowance increases in Schedule G of the Award.

Please note that the increases in the Award wages and allowances will not directly affect members currently covered by an enterprise agreement.

Additionally, the required employer superannuation contributions in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) will increase to a minimum of 11.5% from 1 July 2024. See details of the required employer contributions at the ATO Superannuation Contributions web page.

The AFAP trusts that employers will pass on the legislative increases as required. If they don’t, or if you have any queries about the increase to Award minimum wages and/or allowances, or your entitlements in general, please contact the AFAP on (03) 9928 5737 or


Protecting Australia's Pilots