Legal/Professional & Govt Affairs (LEG/PGA)

Legal/Professional & Govt Affairs (LEG/PGA)

AFAP Advocacy and Submissions

Federal Bill and Senate Inquiry - Sydney Airport Slots and Recovery Management

The aims of this Bill are to more fairly place unused slots into the mix for others to use, and to allow recovery/contingency situations to not be hemmed in by the existing maximum limit of movements per hour.

Our contributions into the AusALPA Submission supports the goals of the proposal related to fairness of slot allocation and contingency optimisation. However, we envisage that the intended goals will not be reached without the use of the specific contingency measures of balanced runway use (a more equal share of movements on runways) and relaxation of the current restrictions preventing some intersection departures.

We are concerned that if these measures are not considered and implemented, greater pressure will exist (implicit or otherwise) for deterioration of safety standards, procedures and practices in order to reach the intended outcomes of the Bill. From our discussions with ATC personnel, the ability to increase movements above the current limit is impractical in nearly all situations other than for something like a temporary evacuation from the tower. Any weather related event does not cease as quickly.

The final report from the inquiry into Sydney Airport Demand Management Amendment Bill 2024 is published and can be found in the link. The Bill was voted up in the final sitting week of the year.

Industry Skills Australia (ISA) Strategic Workforce Planning Committee - Aviation

S&T are participating in the ISA working groups including the AVI Flight instructor Diploma (review) working group. This commenced in September 2024 and is scheduled for industry review in first half of 2025.


Protecting Australia's Pilots