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Within the principal objects of the AFAP rules [Rule 1 – General, Paragraph 3 (p)] is a code of ethics. This code aims to be a clear and simple set of key professional behaviours that will guide AFAP members to maintain their reputation as members of the Union and a high standard of professionalism.

1. Prioritise safety and well-being of crew and passengers;

2. Responsibly use the privileges conferred by holding a pilot’s licence;

3. Maintain ethical behaviour and uphold professional integrity;

4. Commitment to diligence and continuous professional development aligned with ICAO competencies;

5. Operate aircraft efficiently;

6. Adhere to AFAP rules and look to actively participate in its activities; and

7. Refrain from discrimination, harassment, and disrespectful behaviour.




Explanatory Statements of Code of Ethics

1. Prioritise safety and well-being of crew and passengers

a) It is the pilot or pilots’ ultimate responsibility to conduct a safe operation.
b) Passengers and fellow crew members put their trust in the pilot or pilots to deliver them to their destination safely.
c) Every passenger and crew member has a right to return to their friends and families at the end of the flight.
d) All pilots shall use their skill, knowledge, and experience to ensure that the operation is safe and does not jeopardise the safety of those both onboard the aircraft as well as those influenced by the passage of the aircraft.

2. Responsibly use the privileges conferred by holding a pilot’s licence

a) A pilot owes their livelihood to the licence they hold.
b) The licence allows a pilot to fly but confers responsibilities as well.
c) Through their licence, the pilot is ultimately responsible for the aircraft and its safe, lawful, and efficient operation.
d) Upholding the responsibilities of the licence is crucial to maintaining safe operations and supersedes all responsibilities to others where they conflict.

3. Maintain ethical behaviour and uphold professional integrity

a) As an AFAP member and a professional pilot, members will conduct themselves in a manner that brings repute and integrity to the profession.
b) A pilot will conduct themselves to an ethical standard to promote the profession.
c) Pilots, particularly in uniform, are recognisable ambassadors for themselves and our union, as such they should endeavour to always act as such.

4. Commitment to diligence and continuous professional development aligned with ICAO competencies

a) Maintain diligence in all operations.
b) Maintain the required knowledge and skills as defined by the ICAO competencies.
c) Keep informed of changes and updates as they occur.

5. Operate aircraft efficiently

a) Pilots recognise that efficient operation of aircraft, when able, is not only cost effective but also minimises environmental impact.
b) Pilots recognise that operating aircraft in a cost-effective manner, without compromising safety, will allow for ongoing aviation operations and continued pilot employment.

6. Adhere to AFAP rules and actively participate in its activities

a) Pilots recognise that their profession is broad and encompasses many different types of operations both within Australia and across the world.
b) A strong and united union is the best way to improve the industry for the next generation and this is done by pilots upholding the AFAP rules and participating in their union.

7. Refrain from discrimination, harassment and disrespectful behaviour

a) Pilots recognise that diversity in background and thought promotes a positive flight deck culture with a variety of experiences leading to greater safety outcomes.
b) Pilots will not only refrain from discrimination, harassment, and disrespectful behaviour but actively denounce instances they witness.



Protecting Australia's Pilots